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  3. How to use Manage and do workbooking in FourJaw

Using The ‘Work Booking’ Import Feature

Update and create Work Orders for your entire factory in minutes using the Manage workspace.

Effortlessly update and create Work Orders for the entire factory with the Work Booking Import feature within the Manage workspace of the FourJaw platform.

This import process has been streamlined to ensure efficient prioritisation of work throughout a factory, eliminating the challenges of managing paper-based work lists that can be difficult to adapt to your customers' evolving requirements and material supply.

1) Importing Work Orders

When it comes to importing your work orders, there are two options available:

Default Setting: Begin by downloading a CSV (comma-separated value) file, where you can input your Work Order Operations using a spreadsheet. Once prepared, you can upload the file directly to the platform. The information needed for the default setting is as follows:

  • Work Order Number - The Work Order Number associated with your Operation.

  • Operation Number - The Number used to identify your Operation (Numerical characters only).

  • Part Number - The Part Number associated with your Operation.

  • Part Description (Optional) - The description for your Part. You can find this in the Parts Library.

  • Quantity - The number of parts you wish to make and is associated with your Work Order (Numerical characters only, 1 or more).

  • Work Order Due Date (Optional) - The date in which the Work Order will be finished (Format DD/MM/YYYY OR DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM, '-' or '/' can be used for dates).

  • Machine - The Machine that the Operation will be assigned to (The FourJaw Machine Name & the Machine import field have to match exactly, see Assets for a list of your Machines).

  • Operation Scheduled Start (Optional) - The date in which the Operation should be started (Format DD/MM/YYYY OR DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM, '-' or '/' can be used for dates).

  • Operation Scheduled End (Optional) - The date in which the Operation should be finished (Format DD/MM/YYYY OR DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM, '-' or '/' can be used for dates).

  • Estimate (Optional) - An estimate in fractional hours of how long the Operation will take (Numerical characters only, 0.01 or more).

  • Notes (Optional) - Any extra information you wish to save regarding the Operation. This can be used for any column by premising the column name with the keyword 'Notes' e.g. 'Notes Supplier'

  • Timezone - Your import dates are localised based on the customer timezone setting (Europe/London).

Custom Import Setting: If you require a tailored approach, our Customer Success Team can create a specific import configuration that aligns with the machine names and headers taken from a suitable report out of your business system. This enables a quick and straightforward data transfer into FourJaw. Speak to our Customer Success Team at support@fourjaw.com to get a customisation set up.

2) Checking For Errors

In case any errors occur during the file import, our validation process will promptly identify the problematic lines and specify the exact issues on those lines, allowing quick resolution before re-uploading the file.


3) Selecting Import Method

After uploading the file, users have the flexibility to either replace all non-started Work Order Operations with the new data or simply add to the existing list with the new Work Order Operations, depending on their workflow preferences. Work Order Operations that are already in progress or completed will remain unaffected within the system.


4) Summary and Confirm

A summary of the upload, including any modifications made to existing Work Order Operations, will be presented. Once satisfied with the changes, select the "confirm changes and import" button to add the newly imported Work Orders Operations to the platform. This feature streamlines the Work Order management process, saving you time and enhancing efficiency in your factory operations.

Each change has a black circle with a question mark inside, this is used to investigate which row has made this change, helping to keep the data accurate and adjust any problems quickly.