What does No Reason Provided or No Reason Required mean?

No reason required

Machines can be idle for short period of time as part of normal operations. The “no reason required” option allows you to set a length of time where the machine is technically in downtime, but no reason is requested from the operators. You can set the length of time per machine in the settings menu. It defaults to 5 minutes.


When your machine stops for 30 seconds or a minute for a tool change, we don’t ask for a reason from your operators as its just normal operation, but this is recorded as ‘idle’ time as the machine isn’t running. 

No reason provided

'No reason provided' is used to label a downtime when the downtime period has exceeded the No Reason Required downtime period and the operator has still not selected a downtime reason. In the Operate workspace you can go back and edit these downtime periods. (This has too be done in 24hrs of the downtime occurring.)