What calculations are used in FourJaw Energy Monitoring?

Find out how we calculate energy consumption, efficiency, carbon footprint and cost and how accurate the data is.

FourJaw's energy monitoring feature is useful to enable you to identify trends, and problem areas and see if interventions are having an effect.

How do you calculate power usage?

Single Phase

P = pf × I × V / 1000

In this formula, the amount of power - P (in kW) is equal to the power factor of the load (pf) multiplied by the phase current measured in Amps (A), multiplied by the voltage between the phase and neutral (V), and divided by 1000.

3 Phase

P (kW)= √3 × pf × I × V /1000

The power - P (in kW) equals the square root of three (√3) multiplied by the power factor (pf) multiplied by the current in Amps (A), multiplied by the Phase voltage (V) divided by 1000.

How do you calculate the cost?

We multiply the power used by the cost per kWh given on the settings page.

How do you calculate the carbon footprint?

We multiply the power used by the kilograms of carbon equivalent per kWh given on the settings page. This is defaulted to the UK government-approved value.

How do you calculate the Energy Efficiency Metric?

We divide the number of uptime hours by the energy consumed. This gives a value that indicates how much energy was used to manufacture product rather than on downtime, with higher values being more efficient. 

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