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How do you calculate the Return On Investment (ROI)?

Many of our customers delve into the ROI tool ahead of signing up. This tool is often used to help justify and build a business case for such a manufacturing analytics tool.

Our FourJaw ROI can be found here.


Need to read further, see below.

[number of machines] x [charge out rate] x [working hours per day] x [working days per week] x [estimated current utilisation %] ... will give you your typical weekly billing amount for your factory. You may find you will want to use an average or low estimate for some of these figures if needed.

For example:

[15] x [£50] x [16] x [5] x [70%] = £42k billable per week = £2.18m per year

We then simply multiply this by the target utilisation increase. We see an increase of 17% on average at the moment across our customers on the full platform. In most cases at the early stage we assume a worst case of just 5% increase.

In this case a workshop performing £42k per week of billable work could expect an increase of over £109k over a single year or over 5.5 times more than the cost of the FourJaw platform.

If you have any questions please contact the Sales Team at sales@fourjaw.com