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  3. How to use Operate - the FourJaw Tablet

How do you Book on and off?

This article explains how to use the FourJaw Operate actions page to book on and off a work order.

Booking On

To "book on" (i.e., log that the machine has started working on a particular operation in a work order), click on Actions and then click on Book On.

You will see a list of jobs in priority order, highest at the top. Click on the "Book On" button for the work order and operation you want to work on.

That's it. You will see the Work Order you are booked on at the top of the dashboard. You can see how long you have spent on the job and how long the job was estimated to take.

In the job list, you can see all the work orders assigned to your machine, your cell or your factory by using the drop down menu.

You can add a new work order by clicking the "+  Add New" button and filling in the details. It will be added to the job list on your machine.

Booking Off

To book off, you can click on Book Off in the work order list, or directly on the Actions page.


You can either pause a work order, or complete a work order. Pausing a work order leaves it in the job list so that you can do more work on it later. Completing a work order removes it from the job list and fixes the amount of time that has been booked to that work order.

Operators can see how much time they have booked on to a job in comparison to the estimate for that job.