How to set downtimes by machine.

Only show relevant downtime reasons on each operator tablet.

In FourJaw, you may not want every downtime reason to show on every tablet as some will not be relevant.

For example, "Milling" specific downtime reasons should not be visible on tablets within a "Turning" section. 

To solve this, FourJaw allows you to choose which downtime reasons are visible for each machine. 

Quick Start:

1) Go to "Settings" using the dropdown in the top left

2) Choose "Downtime" from the menu at the top

3) Scroll down to your downtime reasons

4) Edit a downtime reason and select which machines it will show for. 

Seeing the results on your operator tablets

Once changes have been made, the downtime popup on each tablet will only show the relevant downtime reasons. 

Please note, it can take up to 60 minutes for tablets to pick up your changes.